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Hey is there something special you have to do to get the good ending with Alicia? I've given her all the evidence in the second part at the very end and none of it works. 

Never mind. Restarted the game and got it.

Great game and I wish to give you money for it and more.

how can i get to the good ending in "the infused"

I have a problem in extracting the game, anyone knows how to solve it? it stops the file extraction at credits


Hello! does anyone know what to present the second time you cross examine the stoorkeeper isabella? i'm a bit stuck



What a great game! Can't wait to play more chapters

Very fun so far! Is there a walkthrough? 中文walkthrough也好。I am stuck on the first trial, don’t know what to say to the first witness.


I had a great time with this game. The art is all charming and the gameplay is fun. This is coming from a non-ace attorney player. I had a slight bug with reviewing evidence in the middle of the trial only occurring between stages in the trial, but I managed to get the best ending (to my knowledge) regardless.


Thank you!

Yes the review evidence do not work properly mid-trial, I'll try to fix it or switch to a completely different software if I have to when I make a sequel

RPG maker can be a bit limited in some aspects XP


I remember this art style, did u made a game have an orange hair girl as its heroine before? And....she encountered a yellow hair girl later in the stroy  (if my brain didn't go wrong)

I forget the name of the game, but seeing this game remind me of that game. 

and also, I'm surprised to see Chinese u from china

Thank you!

Yes you must be talking about the Infused, a game I made a few years back, you can find it on animeotk!

I have to admit that your painting skills have become much better. It can be seen that you have worked hard and earned my respect

Finished with the good end. Best sp game I ever played. The spanking of Alicia is perfect! Hope you can add more stories about (spanking) Alicia! Love this game so much.

Also, I know there are quite a few people who want to play this game, but stopped by the lack of Chinese translation. I am mostly proficient with in both English and Chinese, and I will be very happy to be able to help you with the translation into Chinese.


Love the game! Lily is super adorable. Hope to see more of her and the rest of the cast!

Thank you! I'll make some of the characters return for sure

When I start the game I get an error. Does anyone know how to deal with this?

same here

Uh can you send me a screenshot of the error if available? I'll see what might have gone wrong

Sorry for the late reply. Here is a screenshot.


Oh sorry, I've been a bit busy recently

You should unzip the .rar file and launch the game from the unzipped folder

Can there be optional futa-with-balls?

Uhh... Hmm

I usually tend to avoid drawing genitals so uhh... Let's say there's room for some imagination

If you would be willing to, can there be girlcock hardening from the spanking?

The game is really fun. Love the spanking art. The only thing for me is that have hidden spanking when you look for the evidence as Alice and more F/F. That's just what I like but once again the game is good.

Thank you, triggerable scenes while investigating was definitely part of the plan but as I was on a tight schedule, I was not able to applicate everything

I will make a more interesting and complicated system in the sequel

That's great. another idea is that when the one you are defending get spank wrongfully, you can have a scene once you won where the person spank Alice for getting them spank.

Looking for chapter 2. 


this is a good game. i hope there is chapter 2


There will be! After I finish other projects at hand

This was incredible, from start to finish. Genuinely one of the best games centered around spanking. I sincerely hope you intend on providing us with a way to give you money in the near future, because after this game there's no way you should be developing for free. You are far too talented. Thank you for this gem.

Thank you for the kind words! There're quite a few reasons as for why I am not charging for my games right now, but I did think about opening channels for people to support me


(I'm not good at English, so it might be awkward using a translator) I played the game really well. I'd like to ask if you're working on Chapter 2. And I'd like to put my creative character in Chapter 2. I've been creative, but I've failed frequently, so I'd like to ask you a favor.


Thank you! I'd love to include your character if I get to work on a sequel sometime

If you have any work you're working on now, I'd like to help you.


Absolutely one of the best games on this kind I've played! The art, the story, literally everything about this package is fucking perfect! I absolutely love this world! If you ever release this for money, damn better believe I'm paying for more of this! Genuinely something really fun!


Thank you for the support! I have plans for a sequel of this already, but the next one I release will probably of another series


Awesome start, can't wait for more chapters. Great to see you back releasing games again!

Thank you!


Yes, it's fresh and delicious in the spanking game. 

As a lawyer, it is very interesting to participate in it, looking for clues and influencing the direction. I hope I can play in the following chapters.

Thank you.

Thank you for the support, I'm glad that you liked it!

amazing game, really fun but im a really bad lawyer, im stuck in the last part with sophia , can u give me some advice? last evidence i used was the sales list
pd: you really improve your art stile since the last game gratz and thanks you for the game 


Thank you for the support!

If you are still stuck on that part then you can show her the sales list when she was saying that it's the first time she's ever been to the store, and then Lily's wallet when she says that she lost her ring (If you do not have the line where she said that, you are free to press every sentence until something changes, since pressing her testimony does not give you penalty)


tyty it works